This is a selected list of research articles I wrote or I contributed to as a co-author; for a full, up-to-date list please refer to my Google Scholar profile.

research papers

Wiles, O., Zhang, C., Albuquerque, I., Kajić, I., Wang, S., Bugliarello, E., Onoe, Y., Papalampidi, P., Ktena, I., Knutsen, C., Rashtchian, C., Nawalgaria, A., Pont-Tuset, J., Nematzadeh, A. (2025) One slice is not enough: In search of stable conclusions in text-to-image evaluation (ICLR)

Kajić, I., Wiles, O., Albuquerque, I., Bauer, M., Wang, S., Pont-Tuset, J., Nematzadeh, A. (2024). Evaluating Numerical Reasoning in Text-to-Image Models. In The 38th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) [bibtex]

Baldridge, J., Bauer, J., Bhutani, M., Brichtova, N., Bunner, A., Chan, K., …, Kajić, I.,… & Nicholas, P. (2024). Imagen 3. arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.07009.

Vasconcelos, C. N., Rashwan, A., Waters, A., Walker, T., Xu, K., Yan, J., Qian, R., Li, Y., Luo, S., Onoe, Y., Parekh, Z., Kajić, I., Guo, M., Zhou, W., Rosston, S., Garg, R., Fei, H., Pont-Tuset, J., Wang, S., Nandwani, H., Bunner, A., Swersky, K., Fleet, D. J., Wang, O. & Baldridge, J. M. (2024). Greedy growing enables high-resolution pixel-based diffusion models. Transactions on Machine Learning Research. [bibtex]

Wiles, O., Zhang, C., Albuquerque, I., Kajić, I., Wang, S., Bugliarello, E., Onoe, Y., Knutsen, C., Rashtchian, C., Pont-Tuset, J., Nematzadeh, A. (2024) Revisiting Text-to-Image Evaluation with Gecko: On Metrics, Prompts, and Human Ratings. (arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.16820)

Agrawal, A., Kajić, I., Bugliarello, E., Davoodi, E., Gergely, A., Blunsom, P. and Nematzadeh, A., (2023) Reassessing Evaluation Practices in Visual Question Answering: A Case Study on Out-of-Distribution Generalization. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023 (pp. 1201-1226) [bibtex]

Kajić I., Stewart T.C. (2021) [Biologically Constrained Large Scale Model of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test]( Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society [bibtex]

Kajić I., Aygün E., and Precup D (2020). Learning to cooperate: emergent communication in multi-agent navigation. In 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 1993–1999. Toronto, ON, 2020. Cognitive Science Society. [bibtex]

Voelker AR, Kajić I, and Eliasmith C (2019). Legendre memory units: continuous-time representation in recurrent neural networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 15544–15553. [bibtex]

Kajić I, Schröder T, Stewart TC, and Thagard P (2019). The semantic pointer theory of emotion: integrating physiology, appraisal, and construction. Cognitive Systems Research, [bibtex]

Kajić I., Gosmann J, Stewart TC, Wennekers T and Eliasmith C (2017). A Spiking Neuron Model of Word Associations for the Remote Associates Test. Front. Psychol. 8:99. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00099 [bibtex]

Kajić I., Gosmann, J., Komer, B., Orr, R. W., Stewart, T. C., and Eliasmith, C. (2017). A Biologically Constrained Model of Semantic Memory Search. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society), 631-636 [bibtex]

Kajić I., Gosmann, J., Stewart, T. C., Wennekers, T., and Eliasmith, C. (2016). Towards a cognitively realistic representation of word associations. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society), 2183–2188 [bibtex]


Ivana Kajić. Computational Mechanisms of Language Understanding and Use in the Brain and Behaviour. PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, 2020. [bibtex]

Kajić I., Čitanje misli iz moždane aktivnosti, Časopis Gyrus studentske sekcije za Neuroznanost Hrvatskog Instituta za Mozak

Kajić I., Umjetni neuroni, simulirani mozgovi i računala - zašto nam to treba, Časopis Gyrus studentske sekcije za Neuroznanost Hrvatskog Instituta za Mozak